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Painted Lutyens 1.8m Bench

Lutyens Bench Pink …
The featured pictures demonstrate the majestic qualities of Lutyen’s design in glorious pink.

Whereas other, more inferior models, use bolts to join the various sections together; we don’t.

Mortice & Tenon joints are used in our Lutyens models with teak Dowells spliced in for extra durability – this a part of our uncompromising insistence on quality in all the furniture we buy and sell on to you.

A fantastic attention to detail in the exquisite, hand-crafted finish.

The scroll-like rounding of the arms and the cross-slat back design work wonderfully to produce a piece of garden furniture that stands out for the right reasons.

This is then reflected in the curved, slightly abstract design of the back-bar that catches the eye so beautifully.

The superior quality of the finish means you don’t even need a cushion to get comfortable on it, (although if you’d prefer one, we do sell those as well.)

Obviously you can buy these Benches elsewhere with more economical price tags.

However, we would like to assure you that you will not receive a Lutyens Bench equal to the hand delivered craftsmanship and quality of timber in our models.

This is a considered purchase meaning you require the highest quality result. And that’s why we strongly believe it is better to pay slightly more and sit safe in the knowledge that you’re buying something that will look superb and remain fit for purpose for years to come.

In over two decades of buying and selling quality teak products from around the world we are convinced that lasting quality will always provide a better customer experience.
180 cm : L 180 cm D : 64 cm H 105 cm